Still reading Watchmen
I have now reached the 8th chapter and am now really caught in the story. The first 2 or 3 issues were a bit “slow” to me… But after setting up the story and introducing the main characters it really became interesting to read. Add to this a good share of violence with a zest of sex and I was hooked up.
As I read through the different issues, I realized the story was set up in a parallel reality in which U.S. actually won the war in Viet-Nam and took the advantage over Russia. The only thing is they lose their edge and the Russians cease the opportunity and start invading Afghanistan which makes a lot of people go even crazier than they might have been to begin with. The story also lets us know more about some of its principal characters along the line. You get to understand their nature a bit more and see clearer in the way they behave which is always nice.
At first, I really didn’t see why this book was considered as one the bests, if not THE best comic book ever… But after going through those 8 chapters, I really got into the story, really got myself involved in the characters messed up lives, wanting to read on and on as I’m eager to know the end of it. Those 2 guys managed to pull out a trick that really worked on me… It’s not only the story itself but also the way it’s being built in the book, the storytelling part… You really have to read it as it’s difficult to explain with words… It’s a bit like trying to explain to somebody why Pulp Fiction is great. There’s just “something”… And talking about movies, Watchmen is also supposed to come out on the big screen, but honestly, now that I’m reading the book, I wonder how they’re going to reproduce that atmosphere and that gut feeling you get page after page.