“What would our world be like without women?”
Try to ask this question to your male friends and colleagues. I have and most of them replied something like “The world would be quite sad” and those who answered it would be Heaven were only joking. It’s got to be something with the affection we have for our mothers or something…
Now trying inverting the roles and ask your women friends/colleagues what they think the world would be like without men. I usually get the complete opposite response. Most of them think if men went instinct, it would be the end of war, violence, sexual abuse, machismo and the beginning of a new era, and a BETTER one.
Of course, as a guy, these comments kind of hurt my ego a bit… I asked the reason why they thought we were the “scum of the Earth” and they told me something like “Men have ruled this world since the beginning of times and look where we are now”. I can’t really agree or disagree with that. The world is what it is, and it sure isn’t perfect… So I agree it could be better, but it also could be much worse.
If all the men went instinct right this instant, just think about how tough it would be for all the mothers on this planet. You can tell me all you want about how better women are at raising kids, and mine was wonderful, but you’ll never convince me they’re better off alone with their kids… You can point a gun at your kid’s head and threaten to shoot him point blank if he doesn’t stop messing around and annoying you; it still won’t be as powerful a weapon as “I’m going to tell your dad!”
Anyway, we all have our visions of how the world could be if… And Y the last man does a good job at showing how a post-wipe-of-all-men world would be. Brian K. Vaughan and Pia Guerra took me around it flawlessly so far. The characters travelled across countries and oceans where women faced this “plague” in many different ways. Everywhere the main team of this story stopped, they would meet new characters that would depict very well how different people, in different places with different personalities and cultures could make something out of this situation… Sometimes good and sometimes not.
I’ve followed Yorick Brown and his buddies for 9 volumes right now and am about to start reading the final 10th book. They’re all on a quest to save the world right now and seem to be close to finding a solution… But more than that, I’m really excited to know what actually caused this disaster. They’ve been several theories developed throughout the 9 books I’ve read so far, but I’ve got a gut feeling that the real reason will be something completely surprising that nobody could expect. Let’s see how this all pan out!