About those 2 characters…
Yes, I was actually right. As I was mentioning in my previous post, Wood was introducing 2 characters at the end of Channel Zero and they were Mustafa and Special, some of the main characters in different books which are Couscous Express and The Couriers. I’ve actually read the former over the week-end and it’s pretty interesting to see how Brian Wood makes them evolve… I have not purchased The Couriers yet, but reading the first story made we want to buy the 3 volumes…
Back to Couscous Express, I really recommend it to someone who wants to read something fresh, something new. The art is pretty nice, but what really grabbed my attention here was the story. It’s simple, but yet very compelling and also very different compared to other books… Good stuff, I won’t say much more, just go buy it!
I was in a “Wood Mood” when flipping Couscous Express’s last page so I went on reading Supermarket from the same writer. The story, once again, was great and the art really matched it to perfection… The atmosphere of the book felt amazingly close to when watching some Tarantino movie, though… I suspect Wood must have watched Kill Bill a lot beforehand… Or maybe Tarantino read Supermarket a dozen times when working on Kill Bill?? Who knows… I still recommend picking it up… Those books are by far some of my best purchases so far…
As a matter of fact, I am still in a "Wood Mood" and it so happens that I acquired a Local hard cover from a nice friend who did not mind bringing it back to me all the way from Kuala Lumpur... So that's probably going to be my next read.