Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Ghost Rider

For some reason I've been liking Ghost Rider's comics since my young age... I don’t know why I just seem to be attracted by the less popular characters whereas most people would be X-Men, Spider-Man or Superman addicts… So yeah, I liked Johnny Blaze and his curse and the whole story around it, that is, until someone decided to make a movie out of it. I was OK with Nicolas Cage until I watched that movie… Damn it, that was a waste of time and money. And the worst part is it deteriorated my views on that character and lost my interest in the comic book as well, like a lot of other people I guess.
Anyway, it seems I was wrong and the Ghost Rider franchise is still alive and well. I have read a nice review of issue#28 by Nooch and another of issue#29 over at CBR that confirmed this fact. Jason Aaron and Tan Eng Huat are currently working on those and it seems to be worth picking up, so I encourage you to include this title back in your “Let’s give it a try” pile.


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