Brian Wood
In one of my previous posts, I advised you to pick up the Local trade paperback, which I didn’t know much about at the time. I took some time to look around for other details on this Brian Wood dude… Here’s what I found: before being the comic books writer/illustrator that he is now, he was actually designing video games… And not the crap ones you’ve never heard of as he worked on titles such as Grand Theft Auto and Max Payne. He even worked on short films for Nike! I suddenly realize why they managed to get so much money from me…
Anyway, as I really like his work on Local, I’ve checked other books he’d worked on and here’s what I found:
Channel Zero
Channel Zero Jennie One
Couscous Express
The Couriers
The Tourist
DMZ (still working on the series. Planned ending in 2009)
Fight for tomorrow
The New York Four
Northlanders (still working on that one too. Planned ending in 2009 as well)
So I’m not saying they’re ALL going to be good books, but considering Brian Wood’s track record, I believe they’re worth a good look.
And if you like what he does and want to stay up to date with what’s going on with him, I suggest you visit his website or his blog or both!
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