Am I still reading?
The answer is yes, only it is at a very slow pace… As a matter of fact, I joined a new guild in WoW and have been enjoying partying with them a lot. We do all kinds of stuff; even more since patch 3.2 went live… We burst through heroics again to get all those emblems of conquest, we’re farming Trial of the Champion in both normal and heroic modes to get some sweet new gear… Tons of fun…
So yeah, I’ve been pretty busy in my virtual world but am still reading some comics and I found the perfect book that fits nicely for these busy gaming times. After finishing Kraven’s Last Hunt, I picked up Brian Wood’s Demo from my shelf and am pretty happy I did. Demo consists in a collection of 12 stories that have nothing to do with each other, and as they’re not related at all, it enables to you read one issue at a time without worrying about how long will pass before you manage to read the next one… So after each story, you can decide to read the next one right after or just let the book sit there for a week, which, I admit, I’ve been doing… So anyway, if you’re being caught up with life recently, this book is for you. You’ll be able to stay in touch with the world of comics without having to spend too much time (in one chunk that is) to do so.
I think Brian Wood must have had loads of fun working on that book as he got to play around with different stories that touch a plethora of topics which I, by now, know he likes bringing up in his books, from war to relationships or discrimination, family, jobs… Different aspects of society are being depicted and you should get touched by AT LEAST one of those stories and the fact that they begin and end in a single issue makes the message they carry even stronger in my opinion.
This is probably one of the books you MUST own, so drop everything you’re doing and order your copy now!
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